Got a fairly new setup going, and I love it...when it works. Half the time, I open my Jellyfin clients and it permanently hangs on loading anything. On my computers I can still access the files via network folders, so everything it connected. I'm mostly curious if this is a known issue or if I messed something up.

    10 months ago

    Sometimes my devices struggle to start playing anything. The app starts up as intended, and my files show up, but when I select just hangs on loading

      10 months ago

      Are you transcoding and did you go through setting up hardware acceleration? Mine stalled on playing before setting up hw accel, usually on larger 4k movies it would take about 30 seconds to load and seeking was slow enough to not be usable.

      I followed the docs and got hw accel working (bit of a pain since I was using proxmox with LXC) and now an 80 gig movie plays and seeks immediately from my NUC.