It turned out fantastic, this is definitely my go-to dish from now on when I find a chicken. I went by this recipe and then just melted butter over spaghetti which I then microwaved with some paremesan.
It turned out fantastic, this is definitely my go-to dish from now on when I find a chicken. I went by this recipe and then just melted butter over spaghetti which I then microwaved with some paremesan.
Nice, I had some chicken of the woods tonight too! I found a pretty good size cluster so I'll have to try this recipe with some of it tomorrow
(lol, I don't get to use this unironically very often)
Oh heck yeah that freaking rocks! Definitely recommend the recipe. I used like a $5 sauvignon blanc and sam's club shredded parmesan by the way. Any recipe plans yet for the rest of it?
Nothing in particular, probably a stir fry of some sort and I've never tried grilling them so I might try that for fajitas
Nice! Grilled chicken fajitas sound killer, that's a great idea. Paul Stamets grills em too.