• CyborgMarx [any, any]
    10 months ago

    Because those people have no poltical education whatsoever

    They can't define words like liberalism, capitalism, socialism, communism, shit they can't even define simple concepts like "the state"

    All they have is just vague vibes shaped by whatever bullshit the electoral parties of their home country happen to be spitting out at the moment

    Liberals don't really have beliefs, they don't believe in history, they don't believe in knowledge, they don't believe in education and it's power of liberation

    What they believe in is comfort signaling from state institutions that subscribe to a religious conception of civil governance

  • done
    9 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • Oisteink@feddit.nl
      10 months ago

      It’s the shared understanding of them that makes them into a language and bring them usefulness

        • boredtortoise@lemm.ee
          10 months ago

          You're so right

          • American don't-tread-on-me capitalists call themselves libs
          • American trump republican nazi capitalists call antifascism, right-winger Dems, leftists and communists libs

          Who the fuck knows what anyone there means

  • NewLeaf
    10 months ago

    Because America is the only country and the rest of you non Americans have to deal with it. Everything is from our perspective because we export all of the entertainment.

    maybe-later-kiddo there might be a dang CHEETO in the white house again and we cant be thinking about other places and their backwards definitions of things that more people agree with