joaomarrom [he/him, comrade/them]

  • 92 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2020


  • The fossil fuel industry invested $75 million to secure Trump's victory,

    This is like a scaled-up version of me paying a hundred and fifty bucks a month to have a reliable internet connection I can use to work. It's just an expense that's not really disposable cash, but it's a small enough amount proportionally that I can just pay for it without worrying too much. Operational costs and all that. $75 million is just an unremarkable line in the oil industry's spreadsheet.

    And these supposed representatives of democracy are* such a fucking cheap investment.* They're pathetic. It's just depressing how politicians in a capitalist society are essentially just the remora fish lapping up scraps from the sharks. It's ridiculous how far removed our supposed authorities are from actually running this clown show.

  • I feel weird sometimes about being a good-looking man in his thirties who hasn't had sex in nearly four years. I don't really miss it most of the time, but I feel like I'm supposed to be missing it.

    I suppose it's just that I don't care enough to put myself through the awful, awful process of socialization of the romantic kind, which has caused me so much pain over the years. I love making friends and chatting, I hate flirting. I frankly don't understand how people enjoy being attracted to somebody else. Most people actually seem to enjoy flirting and having crushes. A crush is literally one of my top 5 worst feelings in the entire world, and I'm not even joking. It's a fucking waking nightmare to me.

    In totally unrelated news, my RAADS-R score is well over 140, huh would you look at that

  • That's true. I'm fairly well educated and I don't feel like I'm completely ready to have this discussion. I can't even conceive of the idea of laying this burden on the public to figure it out by themselves. Science is sold, especially by our current mainstream journalistic standards, as the ultimate truth, unless it presents an inconvenient scenario. It's a tool that proves things beyond any doubt. It's also used as a controversy and outrage factory which alternates between telling us that coffee, eggs and wine are either going to kill us or save our lives. Rinse and repeat, let the clicks come in.

  • So Red 3 has been shown a long time ago to be carcinogenic, which is the reason why the FDA did not allow it to be put in cosmetics and externally applied drugs in 1990. There is a law that states that carcinogenic additivies cannot be added to food. But the FDA allowed that to happen for 35 years, for some reason.

    The data was out there, though, so the food industry, I assume, has been using it for at least 35 years with no regards to the evidence of its carcinogenic properties. So what we have here is an industry that, when left to self-regulate, knowingly adds carcinogenic chemicals with no nutritional value to food, and is not stopped from doing so by the FDA. No surprises there, considering it's the US.

    But then again, other reports from the UN and the WHO say that the whole thing is overblown and Red 3 presents no cancer risk. Who am I supposed to believe, then?

    Can there be two sides to this story? Has the journalist who wrote this article checked the relevant studies? Am I supposed to have the expertise to peruse the scientific papers myself and figure out who is right? Is this what scientific journalism is supposed to be like? Should two sides be presented in this kind of situation? Does Red 3 fucking cause cancer or not? Is anyone right? Does truth even exist? What is reality?

    This is maddening. This is why people become skeptical of science. When a supposedly objective truth can be made this nebulous, who the hell am I supposed to believe?

  • He'd have gained mad 'respect' from everyone who watched him. But no, he has to be the Tony Stark of videogame timewasters. It's just embarrassing.

    I think this is the central aspect of why he is so pathetic, he's unwilling to let any sort of vulnerability show on purpose. He doesn't understand how that kind of thing humanizes a person, because he's a fundamentally broken individual. You can only admire someone because they're competent, people should always strive to dominate, rather than fuck around and have a good time and be human.

    It's like how he posted his unbelievably garbage Elden Ring build but described it in this way that tried to sound like he was a genius engineer optimizing gaming. In fact, I think he got dragged so much after posting cringe that time that he became at least a little bit self-conscious and decided to prove the point that he's an epic gamer by "mastering" other games. The fact that he's trying to do that by hiring other people to do the gaming for him is very representative of his awful personal character and complete lack of self-awareness.