Pyramid Lake is now a fully autonomous collective in Nevada. Hexbear users are sitting in their nice, air-conditioned, bedrooms while actual workers are out there building community support during a disaster. They are pooling resources, rationing, and helping one another survive. I thought the point was to have support, albeit critical, for AES, but I guess not. Burning Man is closer to Marx's ideal socialist state than China ever will be.

Can we just defederate from them already? What is the point in continuing to exist with people who actively spew hatred and misinformation about our comrades in Nevada?

    1 year ago

    There was a test done that asked a group of french speakers and German speakers to write a poem about the moon. In French it's feminine and is German it's masculine. They found that they gave it attributes and descriptions based on gender it has in their corresponding languages so the gendering does in fact affect the perception of the speaker. If the norm of the language is to use masculine for neutral, why would it work differently ?

    I think statistically, we use 'I' and 'you' the most when speaking.