I remember hearing this melody during a Sonic Rush sand level and it absolutely SLAPPED. I have not found it in the Sonic Rush soundtrack though. Anybody recognize the crudely whistled melody?
Edit: found the song, Angel Island zone act 2 in Sonic 3. However I didn't have Sonic 3 as a kid so I find it very odd that I remember the song so well and with other additions. Misremembering, or maybe it got remixed for a newer sonic game
The specific details should make it easier to narrow down but I can't find anything that really sounds like your tune. The only sand level in Sonic Rush is Mirage Road, which only has a level theme and then a boss theme. Check out this playthrough to see if either sounds like what you remember
I looked through the music and none of the songs match :( I'm gonna have to open up my DAW and remake the clip from memory. There are so many small things I remember from the song that make me feel like it couldn't have been a song for anything other than a 2000s 2d sonic game. The background vocal samples, the drum breaks, everything. Thank you for sending me the playthrough!