However, Lithium Americas has faced stiff resistance from local groups since it bought the concession in 2017, including the Great Basin Resource Watch and several local Native American tribes, who argue mining threatens their local water sources, sensitive wildlife, and sacred sites. In July, a federal court rejected their challenge, approving the mining company’s project.

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    10 months ago

    In July, a federal court rejected their challenge, approving the mining company’s project.

    But of course!

    Who cares about water? There's profit to be made!

    • Dolores [love/loves]
      10 months ago

      they're going to fuck over the locals & probably do some environmental destruction, before remembering yankee mining labor is expensive and putting the project on hold until all the child-labor mines in the third world under US puppets are empty

      or they'll send migrant kids to the mines, actually that seems more plausible rn

      • Adkml [he/him]
        10 months ago

        They're rolling back child labor laws it's gonna be honest blue collared American children running the Mines before long.

        Wish I could be there to see some dipshit boomer call his 9 year old son a snowflake for complaining he can't breathe right.

  • Adkml [he/him]
    10 months ago

    You say that like it's a joke but fortunately America has a class of people they can brutalize even within their own borders.

    Tribes already saying they wish they wouldn't destroy the ecosystem, water table, and ancestral homelands for batteries.

    Wonder who the government will side with.

  • RNAi [he/him]
    10 months ago

    This won't appease the warmongers tho

  • Rebuild
    8 months ago

    deleted by creator