It's not just steroids that kills these wrestlers, it's the shit tonne of other drugs that these wrestlers have to take to get through. Their crazy schedule means a lot of these wrestlers take speed and other stimulants. The crazy bumps these guys take, means they live on pain killers. Add recreational drugs too. Hogan's matches are so boring, his move sets are so limited and he hardly ever took any bumps, I don't think he had to live on painkillers.
Not familiar with Flair or why was/is a douchebag, only wwf was available in my area, but watching some of his early matches on youtube, Flair's matches and promos are really entertaining lol
my understanding is that US/NATO got their courts to cancel their election result because in a major upset, the outsider (rightwing populist) who was against the Ukraine proxy war won. He correctly pointed out Romanian living standards are low and many need to migrate to find work, so why are they spending all that $$ on Ukraine?