We need to discuss the state of anti-imperialist epistemology of the marxist framework.

What I see as a problem is a contradiction in epistemology within the marxist conception of anti-imperialism. Without resolving this issue we are completely unable to engage in issues of a cataclysmic scale. These are three prominent examples, but it can be applied elsewhere.

Exhibit A - Eritrea:

A recent reddit discussion highlighted the problem with assessing the human rights situation in Eritrea. A UN special report was presented and categorically rejected because of a perceived class contradiction between the allegator and alleged, a bourgeois institution and somehow a defined "anti-imperialist country".

Exhibit B - DPRK

This one ties onto the first, as the problem here is also a UN product, the 2013 report concluding that this state is committing crimes against humanity. Now, if all material to the outside world is produced by stuff of a rejected bourgeois nature, we have no way to determine whats going on here, and we are unable to act on the crimes against humanity of country B, and the general abuses of country A. But is the UN a bougie institution? There is nothing about the nature of this institution that has changed since the late 80s where a third of the global population living in socialism was represented here. In addition, the socialist bloc failed to create a similar supranational institution with a proletarian nature.

Exhibit C - Grover Furr and Stalin

This epistemological crisis is a bit different, in that there is no class dichotomy between the historical sources that are rejected and accepted. With a vast but still limited and conclusive but contradictory catalogue, what are we to make of the historiography around the Stalin-era? We see sources dismissed because of the aforementioned class contradiction, but this dichotomy doesn't legitimize a source like Grover Furr. This is a source that is thoroughly rejected elsewhere, and it is a set of material that at one hand torn apart due to seeming fallacies, but these are unaddressed on the other.

How do we navigate out of this quagmire of rejection and hostility towards source materials, and how can we even act on perceived horrific crimes if their revealing sources aren't perfectly clean on a class basis? Help me out here fellas