SimMs [none/use name]

  • 10 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2020


  • SimMs [none/use name]tomainChina
    4 years ago

    República Popular China. Conocida comúnmente como China (chino: 中国, pinyin: Zhōngguó)(chino simplificado: 中华人民共和国, chino tradicional: 中華人民共和國, pinyin: Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó, es el país más grande de Asia del este así como el más poblado del mundo con más de 1.300 millones de habitantes, aproximadamente la quinta parte de la población mundial. Con una superficie total de aproximadamente 9,6 millones de kilómetros cuadrados, la República Popular China es el cuarto país más grande del mundo en cuanto a extensión territorial, tras Rusia, Canadá y los Estados Unidos. Según la Organización Mundial del Comercio, China es el primer exportador mundial según datos de agosto de 2009. Poco a poco el país se ha ido convirtiendo en una superpotencia mundial, factor que se ha incrementado en los últimos 20 años


  • i dont understand how you still didnt get this. rojava is not on the losing end of the propaganda campaigns. lmao. you imbecile. you want to see strong hard evidence that is good enough to "push through the fog of anti-kurdish propaganda" which is nonsensical because the group is the beneficiary of western propaganda. you've completely misconstrued the dynamics in the area and placed yourself in a position where youre unable to deal with the assyrian question. these other points are just bullshit bickering. it doesnt matter who have treated who badly, we cannt accept any imperial ethnoseparatist projects in this region. beyond distasteful that you would articulate the assrian question in this disparaging way.

  • what the fuck is this reply. you are being charged with rejecting the claims of assyrians that the kurdish-american alliance fosters an ethnonationalism that is causing ethnic cleansing on the one hand and on the other that you cant reconcile rojava as a liberation movement and simultaneously a product of oil-stealing imperialist aggression. So if we lift our gaze and pivot to OPs questions, it isnt a question about rojavas imperfections but wether or not it is fundamentally opposed to our values. It should be clear that we must oppose any attempts to divide syria or compromize its state firstly, then afterwards struggle for a transformation towards the left.