For example, I am terrible at Super Meat Boy, but just playing it has really improved how I play platformers and games that need faster imputs overall.

    1 year ago

    Rhythm Games in general, but specifically osu!mania taught me that I can, like, actually get good at completely new stuff no matter how much I suck at it to begin with

    It also taught me that I really like Hardcore EDM, before hand I wouldn't really listen to music cuz I wasn't sure exactly what kind of music I was drawn to

      1 year ago

      I can't n get into rhythm games but I just don't think I found the right one. I am sure there is a rhythm game out there that will blow me away.

        1 year ago

        Yeah there's a decent ton of them out there, each player can find the one that resonates with them!

        Something I think worth doing is searching "in 40 rhythm games" on YouTube to get a quick compilation of a bunch of unique rhythm games , and importantly it gives a little preview of their gameplay, usually at a high level