• Responsabilidade@lemmy.eco.br
    10 months ago

    Complex and recent games run on Linux these days.

    Not allowing run a game in Linux is, nowadays, a choice from its developer rather then a causality. Proton is a really powerful tool!

    If a game don't run in Linux, via Proton or natively, that's dev issue that actively blocked Linux.

    • Maticzpl@programming.dev
      10 months ago

      All the games o can't play on linux are exactly this Roblox and their anticheat blocking wine Tarkov and it's anticheat etc.

      Even VR games with my quest 2 can run on linux just fine

  • cooopsspace@infosec.pub
    10 months ago

    Blaming the Publishers and Devs because it's actually pretty hard to fuck up a game so that it doesn't work on proton these days

  • GenBlob@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    If there's a game that can't run on Linux in the current year then that's intentional and it's not worth anyone's money.

    • frazorth@feddit.uk
      10 months ago

      I don't agree. There are cases with Windows only root kits for DRM, but there are also games that don't work because of bugs. You see games coming out that barely work on Windows.

    • theshatterstone54@feddit.uk
      10 months ago

      Yeah, there's this very obscure match-3 game I wanted to play because of nostalgia. The series peaked with 3 and 4 (and those are the ones we played on the family computer circa 2015) and worked perfectly on Windows. Now 3 works perfectly (in terms of compatibility) but 4 was better (in terms of gameplay). 4 is marked as borked, last I checked. For anyone wondering, it's The Treasures of Montezuma series.

  • thepiguy@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    I mean, it is not a fault on Linux's end. We have all the tools we need in the form of wine and dxvk, it's the game which fails to work due to some obscure dependency or a mandatory rootkit. One great example is genshin- the game itself works flawlessly, but it has a rootkit which obviously does not work on Linux and you have to patch it out.

  • beef_curds [she/her]
    10 months ago

    Honestly, the 2 hour refund window is the perfect length to see how bad the Linux compatibility is. A half hour to try a few tweaks, if I care enough to. Another hour to see if there are subtle bugs or intermittant crashes.

    I definitely have tried to run a few games I wouldn't have bothered with otherwise.

    • TheCaconym [any]
      10 months ago

      The infinite refund window offered by piracy also works, mind you

      Also sometimes due to DRM/launcher shit the pirate version actually works much easier on wine/proton. I've downloaded cracked versions of games I actually bought in the past due to this

      • beef_curds [she/her]
        10 months ago

        I've fallen so far out of the loop with games piracy.

        I gather that there are repacks now for Linux? Or do you dl the windows version then just run it through proton?

        • TheCaconym [any]
          10 months ago

          The latter - downloading the windows cracked version and yeah, wine or proton. It works beautifully.

          That's when there is no native linux version obviously; these days you can also find pirate versions of those when they exist (most notably on rutracker).

          I think there is one person putting out repacks especially made for Linux mind you (can't remember their name though found it, it's johncena141), including specific wine versions and so on in the repack, though I've never used them

          • Corroded@leminal.space
            10 months ago

            Hopefully they become a little more well known. I am apprehensive of downloading from any repacker that isn't on the Piracy Megathread or FMHY wiki.

      • Uluganda@lemmy.ml
        10 months ago

        I hate to admit I had to do it with Nioh Complete Edition. I dont know but my store downloaded copy just refused to load. When it did, it had 15fps for a while and then crashed. Meanwhile, when I played the pirated version, it worked good. It stuttered for the first 20 minutes, but once all the caches were built it worked amazingly. Bummer I cant use the online feature.

      • jdaxe@infosec.pub
        10 months ago

        I had this with the Sims, I bought and paid for the game legit but trying to run it through steam it kept trying to load the origin store for auth or something which was a pain in the ass and I couldn't get it to run reliably.

        I ended up using a crack just because it ran without any BS!

  • unreliable@discuss.tchncs.de
    10 months ago

    A reminder that on last steam report, Linux overcome Mac as second in usage operating system. They don't have to excuse of only support the top 2 OS.

    Instead to refund is to negative review, games companies are much more affected by losing a positive rating that a refund.

    • Yerbouti@lemmy.ml
      10 months ago

      I'm all for Linux but IMO it's not quite ready for general public yet. Even distros like Mint are buggy and requires multiple restart every day. I would install it on my dad's computer, but it's not stable enough yet. But I think it's a question of a few years, maybe months before it's there.

      EDIT: since people are asking, here are a few bugs that I encounterd over the last week or so. I'm a audio/multimedia worker so obviously I push my computers farther then average user. Still, I'm happy to know many people have manage to get it stable

      • 2 days ago, Ssomething went wrong with cinnamon. At first all the dektop would not appears when waking up from sleep. Had to restart every time or disable sleep. At some point, even restart would bring me a window saying Cinnamon session could not be loaded. I had to reinstall it from Grub. I dont see average users being able to do that. *It's actually not fixed, sleep will mess up Cinnamon.

      • yesterday, I tried to get my DAW (Reaper) to work with one of my audio interfaces. Drivers would not work correctly, sound was glitching. I messed up with pulse audio for 2 hours but never got it to work.

      • this morning, te infamous NVIDIA driver wouldn't let me turn off the mirror mode (I have a projector connected to the computer), I had to reboot.

      • This morning also, I discoverd that Timeshift now only launch from the terminal.

      • Over the past week, I had to completly reinstall mint, because I installed and uninstalled some audio extension and it messed up the OS. Since then many apps that use to ne there dont show up in the software manager, updating the repo doesn't work, so I had to manually install using terminal.

      • I've been fighting to get Da vinci resolve to work, tho it's supposed to work natively. Took me around 4-5 hours overall.

      I ACTUALLY LOVE LINUX. Indual boot it on my main PC an even installed it on my old 2015 MacBook. I think windows is garbage and full of bloatware, I hate apple but consider macOS a pretty good OS, but I think both are more stable for your average user.

      I sincerely wish I could install Mint on my dad's computer but I'm pretty sure he would me need my help at least twice a week . I dont see him or your average user playing with the terminal to install a basic app. I know it's getting closer, but IMO it's not there yet.

      • LogarithmicCamel@feddit.uk
        10 months ago

        Even distros like Mint are buggy and requires multiple restart every day.

        There is something wrong with your installation. Other people just restart to update the kernel often once a week/month. So you might as well tell us what's making you restart Mint so often.

          • LogarithmicCamel@feddit.uk
            10 months ago

            It seems to me that installing external audio drivers and changing Pulseaudio configurations is messing with the OS. Mint uses fairly old, stable packages. Newer distros have Pipewire for audio now. It's a Pulseaudio replacement and might be useful in your case. Have you tried a newer distro? You can try Ubuntu 22.04 or Fedora from a USB stick to see if your audio equipment works out of the box. Then you won't have to fiddle so much with the OS. Fedora Silverblue in particular is immutable and you can reset the OS to any current or previous state with one command, even without Timeshift. Another thing for testing software like DaVinci Resolve is Distrobox containers. You can change whatever you want inside a container and try different distros but you won't break the underlying OS. Hacker's dream.

          • ShranTheWaterPoloFan@startrek.website
            10 months ago

            I think you might have something wrong with your install. I do some heavy simulations (mostly Thermo and structural stress tests) with old hardware and haven't had to restart ever.

            I'm baffled as to how you can have so many problems.

      • Nicklybear [she/her]
        10 months ago

        I suck at tech and have never had to do this. What the hell are you doing to Mint?

      • bitwolf@lemmy.one
        10 months ago

        I recommend Fedora instead of Mint. It's a much more daily ready distro oriented for Workstations.

        I always had problems with Mint especially with the older kernels it uses.

        Fedora uses gnome which is very stable.

        In regards to audio. It uses pipewire and works well in my experience. Less latency and relatively plug and play. I use Bitwig however.

        DaVinci is known to be difficult, however there are some automations for setting it up in Fedora.

        • Yerbouti@lemmy.ml
          10 months ago

          Following this advice that came quite often, I've decided to give Fedora a try on my home system. I've read that Nobora is optimised for production and gaming so I've installed it this morning ,triple booting Mint, Win10 and Nobora. It's really well done and comes with Gnome and preinstalled video and steam tools. But I'm still facing one significant issue: the multimedia codes wont install properly. I've just spent 2 hours on this with no luck so far. That means many games that worked out of the box on mint are not curently working...on a gaming oriented distro.... plus video editing doesn't work in Reaper due to Ffmpeg not working.. So yeah, it look quite nice but a lot of troubleshooting required. I'll see how it goes once problems are fixes.

          • bitwolf@lemmy.one
            10 months ago

            Which multimedia codecs do you need? I understand that some were moved to rpmfusion because of licensing, maybe you can find what you need there?

            • Yerbouti@lemmy.ml
              10 months ago

              Indeed I manage to manually install most of the codecs from rpmfusion and got Da vinci studio to work ! No video yet in Reaper but I have a few idea to get it working. After a few tweaks, all 5 games I've tried are now working flawless. So far I got one audio interface to work but not another, gonna neee to look into this also. Fedora definitely feels more stable, snappy and workstation oriented than Mint, so I'm probably gonna stick with it in the end. Thanks for recommanding it! Now if I could only get unreal to work with an Oculus Quest 2, I would deleted my windows install and never look back. To might come soon enough. Linux is still a bit challenging, but man, it does rock.

  • Gamey@feddit.rocks
    10 months ago

    Wine and DXVK made it increadably easy to support Linux and if a company doesn't even put in that much effort or intentionally breaks the game for you it's certainly not worth your money! I pirate rather than use the refund window but the principal is the same since I do buy good games after all.

  • banazir@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    Ok, hear me out. Linux is not an easy platform to develop for because it's in constant flux where systems and libraries come, change and go constantly. Linux itself is a somewhat slippery concept (if we expand from the kernel) where "works on linux" can really mean it's been tested on one particular distro. Debian stable and rolling releases are not the same. Unless I am completely mistaken, I can see why major developers are hesitant to support linux, whatever it even is. Is Android linux?

    Now, I'm all for this message. Given how OSs have been developing, I advocate for linux adoption and wish people would "vote with their wallet". Otherwise things just will not change. Well, not for better, if recent history is anything to go by. I just feel that this problem has more prongs than we like to admit, being linux enthusiasts.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    • flashgnash@lemm.ee
      10 months ago

      Not really the case anymore because of proton, game devs develop for Windows and proton and then it'll run on anything that can run proton, Linux, android, Mac or otherwise in the future

      From what I hear thanks to proton it's incredibly easy to develop for Linux, as long as you don't use one of the anticheats that doesn't support it or intentionally prevent it from running in proton you're fine

      • banazir@lemmy.ml
        10 months ago

        Well, yeah, but I think the issue is that the best way to develop for linux is to make a Windows binary. I don't like that. Developers actively sabotaging Wine/Proton compatibility is kind of malicious though.

        • frankfurt_schoolgirl [she/her]
          10 months ago

          As a big Linux fan, it makes me said that Wine needs to exist. But, maybe it's not such a bad thing. Linux is just a kernel, with no associated libraries for app developers. App devs don't want to manually write system calls, so it's always been the case thar they lick and choose which set of libraries to target for their Linux apps. A popular low level choice is the GNU standard C library, and a popular high level choice is the GTK/GDK/Gnome stack. But these aren't the only choices. I mean you can use the MUSL standard C library if you want. You can choose between OpenGL, Vulkan, and WGPU for graphics already.

          I see Wine and Proton as just being another set of standard apis to target. Maybe they don't have the best design, but is traditional Unix really the best design either? Now the Valve and company are supporting Wine, it's one of the Linux targets with the most actual developers. And of course it has a huge advantage over the glibc + Vulkan stuff: it retains binary compatibility forever.

          • banazir@lemmy.ml
            10 months ago

            Yes, Wine and Proton are great and they do actually solve a lot of issues with linux gaming. I don't exactly begrudge anyone for choosing to go that route because linux is complicated. But I do wish we'd talk more about native linux gaming and didn't always default to Proton. Valve has done wonders for gaming on linux, but I am not fan of Steam and their DRM policies.

            I really appreciate programs like Bottles these days. Back in 2006 or so I beat Deus Ex on Wine and setting it up was a hassle. Today I'm amazed it was even possible back then.

            • frankfurt_schoolgirl [she/her]
              10 months ago

              I totally agree. The real problem for Linux gaming tho is that games are almost always distributed as compuled binaries, but Linux is built around open source. It you had a model where you paid for the source code of a game, and then it got compiled for your machine right when you downloaded, Linux gaming would probably work great. You'd have better fps too. (I actually really like this idea, somebody like GOG should make a client that does this).

        • flashgnash@lemm.ee
          10 months ago

          I don't think the best way to develop for Linux is by making a windows binary, I think the best way for game developers to make a Linux version of a game they otherwise wouldn't is by making a windows binary compatible with proton

          Problem is very few developers actively choose to make a Linux game and windows games if done right run at native speeds on Linux anyway.

          I'm gonna be unpopular for saying this but it's the same thing as using HTML for desktop/mobile apps, sure it's not optimal performance wise but it's a hell of a lot better than often nothing at all because companies can't or won't justify development time to support smaller groups of people on smaller platforms

          If such a time comes that desktop Linux has a large enough market share for large companies to take seriously then I'm sure they'll start developing native versions of maybe even make Linux-first games but sadly we're nowhere near that point yet so best we can hope for is good cross compatibility tools

  • bitwolf@lemmy.one
    10 months ago

    In my experience, the effort to fix Linux issues serve as a good litmus test as to how well supported the game is in general.

    At least with games that aren't from big studios.

  • BillDoor@feddit.uk
    10 months ago

    I've recently started gaming on linux with surprisingly little problem, given that the last time I tried was about 15 years ago. I don't even know what proton is, but I just installed steam and then my games.. surprisingly on some slightly older games (tf2, HL2) I get a huge FPS boost in Linux compared to windows. Not sure why that would be.

    • crunchpaste@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      10 months ago

      I'm not completely sure about it, but I believe both TF2 and HL2 are native ports that Valve did themselves. Could be the reason.

    • Kras Mazov@lemmygrad.ml
      10 months ago

      Proton is basically Wine bundled with other software, like DXVK and VKD3D, to run windows games.

      You have to enable it in the Configuration window inside of Steam if you haven't done that yet. Enabling it is all you have to do and it will be used automatically.

      • BillDoor@feddit.uk
        10 months ago

        Ah thanks, I don't think I have enabled it. Will that allow me to try out windows-only games in Linux? That's crazy.. literally no more reasons to go back to Windows..

        • Kras Mazov@lemmygrad.ml
          10 months ago

          Yep. You can have a look at ProtonDB to have an ideia of how well a game runs through Proton.

          It's not completely correct as some games marked with lower ratings will work flawlessly, and some with higher ratings will probably give you some trouble, but it's a really useful resource.

  • ChiefSinner@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    I was just thinking about this the other day...like games are optized for windows usually, but windows is not optimized for games. A fresh Windows 10 runs at 2gb ram on idle. It all went down hill for gamers when Microsoft killed xp