We've got a bunch of new people now so let's bring back a classic post. What low stakes conspiracy theory do you believe that you cannot prove but feels right to you?

I'll start: I believe that dating apps have made a concerted effort to smear in person meeting people and tie it to being "creepy" through social media so you are forced to meet people online(which was the creepy option just 15 years ago)

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I had "nothing to hide" back when cancel culture wasn't a thing and the "rules" weren't in constant flux

    From another recent comment of yours, for context.

    (When really Milo was just outed as a pedo, which is how most people get canceled these days)



    Sure is a bad thing that "canceling" happens that way to you, huh? libertarian-alert

      • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
        1 year ago

        some word that was fine then, but is a slur now

        It wasn't fine then, you piece of shit.

          • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
            1 year ago

            It was definitely not a medically accepted term when social media as we know was created. Nice of you to tell on yourself, though. ”All I did was use a wholesome slurerino and I got CANCELLED for it!”

            I also don't know why you think reddit-logo is less tolerant towards writing out ableist slurs than us.

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              1 year ago

              Bigot, possible sex pest/creep too, judging by hatred of those evil lying accusers and the unasked for and off-topic rant about "cancel culture." Almost a chud bingo! sus-soviet

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            1 year ago

            I had "nothing to hide" back when cancel culture wasn't a thing and the "rules" weren't in constant flux

            Clearly what you're so worked up about is something that is pretty sexy pesty to downright creepy if you're doing the hit-dog-hollering routine here, unasked and unprovoked.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        You're taking shit out of context

        What other context have you provided but complaining about the concept of canceling the way a lot of chuds do?

        lot of people getting accused of grooming nowadays

        You just voluntarily provided that context just now.

        And you're upset about the accusations, not that it indeed does actually happen. Again, like a chud.

        there's so many pedos out there these days

        Because there are. That isn't new; only the reporting frequency is of what was already happening.

        • Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
          1 year ago

          Okay, I'm pretty sure you're trolling, but I'll say this. The more UNJUSTIFIED cancelings I'm talking about aren't things like pedophilia and grooming, but more like gossip and rumors that got out of hand or people digging up tweets from 12 years ago.

          Of course I'm a little upset, who wouldn't be upset about strangers playing mind games to accuse them of enjoying one of the worst crimes imaginable?

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            1 year ago

            Okay, I'm pretty sure you're trolling


            As the old saying goes, you doth protest too much. You yourself revealed that your big concern against "cancel culture" is that more people seem to be reporting sexual violence against children than before, and you see that as wrong because you refuse to believe it's possible that it was under-reported before.

            It seems like a typical pet issue of western libertarians.

            UNJUSTIFIED cancelings

            Yeah if your big hangup is that it's "going too far" rather than how weakly the so-called "canceling" that do happen really are (if you think Kevin Spacey's prosecution was "UNJUSTIFIED" there's no hope for you, and if you think it "went too far" that's chuddy to say the least).

            who wouldn't be upset about strangers playing mind games

            This is getting downright Reddity to me. People are allowed to be on their guard and to call out creeping; what is your solution? Some Reddit-style "punish anyone who doesn't get a successful court conviction of a rapist" retaliation?

            • Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
              1 year ago

              I don't even know what you're talking about anymore, so I'm just gonna back out of this conversation.

              Believe whatever the hell you wanna believe buddy.

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                1 year ago

                If you're going to huff and puff about the scary horrors of "cancel culture" when pretty much every big name rich predator that got "canceled" is both not in jail and in many cases still getting paid just like before, you sound like a chud no matter how much you cry about it.

                  • UlyssesT [he/him]
                    1 year ago

                    It's when it happens to John Q. Public and he's ostracized by his peers and immediately a target of the internet that it's an issue.

                    Again, you're assuming that the accusations are false from the start and are directing your outrage against people that you already assume are lying and out to get you.

                    with the worst grip on the soap possible

                    That's a chud take. Monsters deserve fitting punishments, not sexually violent chud revenge fantasies.