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  • loathesome
    10 months ago

    Block all these people and continue to block them when they try to contact you there through new channels. You have nothing to be afraid of. You are just getting scammed so just cut your losses.

    • IngrownMink4☭
      10 months ago

      I feel stupid for having swallowed all of this... Now in perspective it is more evident, but at the time, I don't know if it was impulsivity or being too naive, I wanted to believe in all this. My life has been hell ever since. Do you think I should present evidence to the police to denounce him? Will I be able to recover part of the money or...?

      • loathesome
        10 months ago

        You can try registering a case with your local police. This will let you have a record of a report you filed with them. I am 99.9% sure they will not be able to get you any of your money back. If you want to talk to the police, look into whether they have a dedicated cybercrime department you can talk to.