The change in the geopolitical order, disrupted by the invasion of Ukraine, has exposed the weaknesses of the German economic model. The German model, points out Wolfgang Münchau in one of his analyses for Eurointelligence, hinges on three ingredients: cost competitiveness, technological leadership in its industry and geopolitical stability, and ‘all of them are gone,’ he adds. On the one hand, the cut-off of Russian gas — which accounted for more than 50% of the gas consumed in Germany — has impacted the electro-intensive industry, forcing businesses like the chemical company Lanxess to restructure their business and close plants.

      10 months ago

      I think at this point it is less embarrassing to admit that they were ordered by the imperial core to f. up their economy than to keep claiming it was their own decision

        10 months ago

        Let's be real here, the Federal Republc of Germany has done nothing of importance since 1945 without at least consent, if not by the instruction, of the US empire. The post war industrialization was funded with US capital for the benefit of the US capitalist class, and now the deindustrialization is for the benefit (at least they perceive it this way) of the US capitalist class.

        I think it would be more than embarrassing, it would be destabilizing to admit that the Federal Republic is ultimately little more than a US vassal.

          10 months ago

          Saying it like that, maybe lmao... But did they ever really denied it? When Snowden revealed Merkel was spied on by the US, who gave a fuck? Here they could at least try and say "we had no choice, the burger empire, being the economic rival and an LNG supplier that it is, convinced us to tank our gas imports. We never saw this coming and trusted them."

            10 months ago

            The leadership absolutely saw this coming, not only that but they have aided the whole process. Current cabinet members such as Baerbock and Habek were trained by US institutions to serve those institutions and the US capitalist class.

  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
    10 months ago

    It's almost as if cutting yourself off from your biggest energy supplier while needlessly antagonizing one of your biggest customers at the same time has bad consequences.

    Too bad you can't eat smug moral superiority or heat your home with European Values.

      10 months ago

      I can't for the love of me, understand how people think:

      "would you still try to stop a madman aiming to conquer half your continient with an army of rappists and warcriminals if there is a small chance you will be cold?"

      is a valid argument

      • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
        10 months ago

        Oh come now.

        Biden isn't trying to conquer half of Europe. He clearly wants all of it.

          10 months ago

          They have said they will move their borders in polish territory if their security demands it.

          This then off course depends on what russia defines as a security risk.

              • zephyreks [none/use name]
                10 months ago

                “That is why it is so important to achieve all the goals of the special military operation. To push back the borders that threaten our country as far as possible, even if [this is to] are the borders of Poland,” said Medvedev.

                English translation isn't doing him any favours. He's saying he wants to push to the Polish border, not across it.

    10 months ago

    The narrative of this article is disgusting. There is a tradeoff between ethical energy sources and profit. This is good news.

    All countries should be transitioning away from carbon energy. That means they can't use as much energy. That means they can't produce as much useless crap. That is good.

    Please stop placing "the economy" over the pressing climate catastrophe. Making ethical decisions requires sacrifices.

    10 months ago

    Every economist has a model.

    And every economist who has implemented his model in a given country, will be able to explain - in great detail - why it didn't work