• BelieveRevolt [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Why can't I just be neutrally and apolitically anti-refugee? Average Steam forums user.

    Having ”rasisti” in his username got a laugh out of me, just a perfect coincidence.

    • citrussy_capybara [ze/hir]
      10 months ago

      Am I missing something? Rasisti means racist, the [ARG] can stand for alternate/augmented reality game, not sure of the ‘ff’. Either a bit or someone mask off trying and failing for deniability.

  • WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
    10 months ago

    why can't the game stay NEUTRAL on refugees?

    It's perfectly okay to not want to take in people that don't belong in your society, can cause unrest, drain resources, and change your population. It's perfectly reasonable to see them as invaders.


  • @lemmyseizethemeans@lemmygrad.ml
    10 months ago

    This is comedy gold. Libs or worse getting exposed to actual lefty ideology via Vidya. Oooh the shock!

    Best game ever. Even beats bioshock for philosophy. Based AF and MEGA TO THE HAADKORE

  • Dyno [he/him]
    10 months ago

    there is a genuine complaint in there being a lack of 'evil' content, like if you side with the refugees in act 1 you get to see them subsequently throughout the game along with their side quests, whereas if you go the evil route and off them, there's no 'alternate content' like seeing more goblin characters or something to replace them. as early as act 2 the option of good/evil kind of breaks down when the main quest is so linear as to just be 'kill this particular guy, no he can't be reasoned with, sided with, talked down, or result in any kind of outcome that doesn't involve a boss fight and his death'. further, pretty much every side quest in the game revolves around 'person needs help, so you help them'. if you're playing evil, very often the only evil option is to not do the quest, arbitrarily kill the person, or do the quest and then be demanding about payment after the fact.

    none of this to say that the game needs to be more racist of course

  • Targuinia [she/her]
    10 months ago

    taking a lot of words to say something that could be said in 14