I was using Firefox btw. Also I didn't even open a PDF on this install of Windows yet.

  • redthebaron [he/him]
    4 years ago

    i had a real fun time some weeks ago in midst of a deadline i turned off my pc to go to sleep and microsoft decided to update my computer it turned on and they literally broke the explorer like i could not access any folder because the explorer just would not load and then just soft restart forever COOL STUFF having to restore to former point and waste like hours that i could have just done my work

    • ToastGhost [he/him]
      4 years ago

      for months, a microsoft update kept pushing itself onto my computer and i kept reverting because it broke the sound, I got tired of reverting it once it started updating me again daily, so I tried to permanently fix it, broke the OS, had to start over with a factory install, sound broken on factory install and now I cant revert, fuck.

      Turns out the update was changing which headphone jack i had to plug my speaker into. Fucking dogshit.

      • redthebaron [he/him]
        4 years ago

        every single time they update my pc i have to either fix something because of their dogshit update system fucking up like just disappearing with system files for no reason or having to just fix some weird ass hardware problem because the update is fucking with some driver it fucking sucks like i have been thinking about windows xp and how it was just fine like not bloated at all just perfect