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  • BeanBoy [she/her]
    4 years ago

    John Lennon’s not making any money at this point. The music itself isn’t saying domestic violence is okay, as far as I know. Like, I guess I can separate the music from John Lennon and still like a Beatles song and say John Lennon was a piece of garbage too.

    Wagner isn’t making money off his music dramas. But his music dramas are either overtly anti-Semitic or German supremacist. It’s harder for me to separate Wagner the bigot from his music.

    Morton Feldman likely molested his students and stole some of their material. The music itself is wonderful and he’s not making any money off it. But supporting performances of his music means supporting one of the more grotesque examples of patriarchy in New Music, so I’m not sure I can separate Morton Feldman from his music. Why not do a cool piece by anyone else?

    Sorry I don’t have good examples outside music. But does that logic make sense?