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    10 months ago


    Australian with three cats here - they're all indoor and happy about it because i'm not a shitarse pet owner. An outdoor cat in Australia is ecological genocide

    10 months ago

    It's crazy how it's seen as socially acceptable to "adopt" or "rescue" them and then release them to freely roam your neighbourhood as an invasive species.

    10 months ago

    As a cat owner I fully agree with this. Pets should generally be kept in ways that don´t threaten wildlife. However I would also prefer that cats who stray around don´t get killed but instead caught, spayed, sheltered and adopted.

    • Helmic [he/him]
      10 months ago

      TNR works, as feral cats often cannot be adopted past a certain age, they just won't let humans near them willingly. But there isn't a need to kill cats for not wanting to be adopted, they can be fed and over time their population can be dramatically reduced, it just requires actual commitment to the program and free access to spay and neutering services to the public.

  • Helmic [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Outdoors is dangerous for cats anyways. There is a reason indoor cats live longer, there are predators and cars outside. Cats can be perfectly happy indoors.

    If your cat likes being outside, you can either grab some lumber and chicken wire to make a catio or just get a cat harness and leash. Yeah, there is a chance a cat can escape from the latter if it's not properly sized and secured, but once in a while an indoor cat getting loose is much better than having many outdoor cats outside most of the time hunting random fauna.

    10 months ago

    I see so many missing cat flyers around my neighbourhood it's depressing, and yet people keep letting their cats outside. It's bad from just about every angle I don't understand why people keep doing it.

    10 months ago

    I'm one of those dickhead cat owners who seemingly can't keep their cat inside. We adopted our cat when he was 3 after spending a lot of time on the street, and ever since taking him in, he'd constantly howl to be let outside. We tried a few methods like an outdoor cat run, but nothing seemed to work.

    We've got a GPS collar (and bell) on him and he seems to just stay super local, like within 100 metres of our house.

    We've started to gradually transition him inside more but it's tough. We know it's a problem, but really need help getting him to accept inside life.

      10 months ago

      and he seems to just stay super local, like within 100 metres of our house.

      That's pretty much how far most cats roam. Cats with such a small territory still kill a lot of wildlife.

    • Helmic [he/him]
      10 months ago

      Have you tried a harness? Some cats that demand to be outside seem to be satiated with walks. Can take a while to normalize the harness with them, though.

  • Vampire [any]
    10 months ago

    Australia wants to force cats to have a little tuna, as a treat.

  • Nightwatch
    10 months ago

    Yes, cats are not innocent, but let’s keep pretending that humans aren’t affecting biodiversity and just blame the cats. Australians are among the worst offenders on biodiversity problems and climate change, so don’t worry… I get it.

    • mayo_cider [he/him]
      10 months ago

      Outdoor cats are also caused by humans, so this is directly trying to solve a problem caused by the worst offenders

      10 months ago

      If cats want to be able to get away with killing native wildlife, they've just got to start a mining or logging company and they're all set.

    • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
      10 months ago

      We have someone saying that not letting cats outdoors is fascism and someone else saying that letting them outside is genocide, and neither one is from Hexbear sicko-hexbear

      Whichever side you're on, the important thing is to dig in to the most extreme position possible and denounce everyone else in the strongest possible terms. Bring out the memes buried beneath seven layers of irony and in-jokes and let the world know the truth about how goldfish are colonialist. This is the Hexbear way.


    10 months ago

    Im so mad with people not willing to put down feral cats, the live of a single cat is worth more than the live of the hundreds of wild animals that it will kill in its lifetime? Fucking not, but some people are delusional and only think in the cute cat pics. They say ignorance is bliss

    • Helmic [he/him]
      10 months ago

      TNR works absolutely fine at reducing feral cat populations. The issue is not that people are not killing enough cats, it's that getting a cat spayed or neutered can be expensive and therefore inaccessible to a lot of people, and a lot of dickhead liberals just expect poor people to not have pets if they can't keep $10,000 USD in the bank at all times to cover emergency vet expenses (legit shit you'll see bandied around as advice for "responsible" owners). An effective response would be offering free spay, neuter, and chip services for all pets, alongside people keeping their pets indoors, and maybe offering stuff like pine litter for free to address some reasons why people might want their cat to be outside.

      10 months ago

      You're an entitled speciist! If cats are good at hunting, it's just nature's way of creating balance and it's none of your goddamn business to prevent that. In my personal opinion people like you (entitled speciist scum) are redundant and we don't need you on planet Earth.

            10 months ago

            And that also means we caused many species’ to go extinct, and we did!! Mass colonization actually has caused extinctions for tons of species, including the Dodo bird.

            10 months ago

            It is similar to the Dodo bird. Humans(Dutch settlers) brought Dogs and other predators to the island(Mauritius) where Dodo birds lived. Over time, the dogs and humans overhunted the bird to extinction. dogs were good guides and predators, same thing with the cats we brought to Australia. Humanity has done unfixable damage by bringing species that would not know better.

    10 months ago

    At the very least neutering should be mandatory and strict controls on where cats can be purchased to prevent breeding farms and suchlike.