A fascist worked out today, but you did too! What did you do?

  • TheDeed [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Phraks Greyskull LP to get me into lifting. I started with the bar about two and a half months ago on all my lifts (short, weak as fuck, sedentary chubby computer nerd)

    But now my numbers have gone up and it feels good. Deadlifted with 45lb weights on the bar for the first time today (135lbs total which isn’t much in the grand scheme of things, but it’s more than my body weight now and that feels good! Also feels good to move up to using plates and not small weights)

    Not bragging but just proud of myself that I’ve finally stuck to a routine for more than a week. I don’t have anyone to share this with really so I’m sharing here.

    I hate exercise and have flatly refused to do any for the last 15 years but this LP has proved to be fun. I’ve lost 20 lbs (most of that was before lifting).

    Still chubby, but I am officially no longer overweight for my height. Hoping continuing to work out will make me not fat for the first time in my life, which is good because I’m trying to reverse my prediabetes and not die of covid. I don’t care about the aesthetics as much as health, so this should help.

    The routine is MWF

    M 3x5+ Overhead Press/ Bench Press (alternating days)

    3x5+ Chin-ups/Barbell Row (alternating)

    3x5+ Squat

    W 3x5+ Overhead Press/ Bench Press (alternating days)

    3x5+ Chin-ups/Barbell Row (alternating)

    1x5+ Deadlift

    F 3x5+ Overhead Press/ Bench Press (alternating days) 3x5+ Chin-ups/Barbell Row (alternating)

    3x5+ Squat

    If you made it this far through the wall of text, thanks for reading. Once I stall on this program, which one should I move to next after Greyskull?

    • Nagarjuna [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Deadlifting over your bodyweight is such a cool feeling! It's also neat when you go to do something that used to be hard and just explode through it. I'm not useless when it comes to moving furniture anymore!

      I'm still making the LP thing work, 7 months on (starting to stall on weighted pullups, but my rows are still increasing, so like w/e), but I've heard good things about 5/3/1 and Average to Savage for non LP lifting programs.

    • WhatDoYouMeanPodcast [comrade/them]M
      4 years ago

      I would always have recommended Madcow 5x5 for intermediate lifters (where the level of lifter is defined in https://exrx.net/Testing/WeightLifting/StrengthStandards )

      Though it sounds like you may have a while to go before you get to intermediate. If I were you, I would want to explore more of what the gym has to offer as I continue to lift more. Maybe see the difference between dumbells and barbells. Maybe check out some auxiliary lifts exrx and add them to your routine. You could also think about changing up the amount of reps you do - when my buddies and I used to stall on lifts, we would lower the weight and increase the reps before lowering down the reps again. 3x5 is a small amount of reps, but you do have the big 5 barbell lifts in there.

      If you really like going in with a set routine, then I might try changing from Greyskull to Stronglifts 5x5 . If you're feeling spicy, you could try German Volume Training which is 10x10 with short rest periods. But honestly, there's a lot of ways to do resistance training and the worst one is to stop. If you keep showing up and increasing the weight, the results will come. Lifting is a world for you to explore and sample.