SVR chief Sergei Naryshkin praised Dzerzhinsky as a "symbol of his time" and a "standard of crystal honesty" during the unveiling ceremony on Monday.

"He remained true to his ideals to the end -- the ideals of goodness and justice," Naryshkin said

  • Łumało [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Polish people were influential in creating the Soviet Union. I hate how our history is rewritten as to denounce this past in favor of the proto-fascist second polish republic. The Polish Bolsheviks are forgotten and so is the people's army, but at least prominent figures like Feliks and Róża have made names for themselves to be internationally recognized by communists.

      • Łumało [he/him]
        10 months ago

        No. Poland gained independence in 1918 after 123 years of not existing on a map by being partitioned.

        The polish ruling class will tell you that the partition happened because of the foreign destroying Poland from the inside, but really our nobility has a long standing tradition of selling our country for a pack of cigarettes.

        After 1918 we were an independent country of which borders were actually historically remade and we fortunately didn't get the British treatment. And also the whole thing was a fucking mess.

          10 months ago

          Wait a minute, why did Red army invade Poland in 1920? Was it because of the curzon line or other things?

          • Łumało [he/him]
            10 months ago

            I won't comment since I know little about the 1920 war. Especially since how it was glossed over in middle school by my teacher and I really need to revise my knowledge of contemporary polish history either way.

            10 months ago

            The other way around, Poland invaded the areas of the former Russian Empire previously occupied by Germany after the german troops withdrew. Hence the war being called polish-soviet war, the agressor is always first in the common naming convention for wars. The Soviets, not to keen on polish troops on their de jure territories pushed them back, but where defeated at Warsaw. Poland then annexed western Ukraine, western Belorussia and southern Lithuania. The border was then called the curzon line.

      10 months ago

      He was the founder of KGB or cheka in his time, a close friend of Lenin . My father used to say he was considered as the most honest man in that era . He also took thousands of poor kids from streets and gave them education and shelter

      10 months ago

      Former polish noble who joined the Bolsheviks and founded and headed the Cheka. Known for three things:

      1. Being the bane of anyone conspiring against the Bolsheviks.
      2. Being a workhorse with extremely high moral integrity.
      3. Caring about Children.