Curtailing aid to Ukraine will only prolong the war, Mr Zelensky argues. And it would create risks for the West in its own backyard. There is no way of predicting how the millions of Ukrainian refugees in European countries would react to their country being abandoned. Ukrainians have generally “behaved well” and are “very grateful” to those who sheltered them. They will not forget that generosity. But it would not be a “good story” for Europe if it were to “drive these people into a corner”.

  • DankZedong
    10 months ago

    With 9/11 and Syria you had at least non-white people attacking white people, which was beneficial for right wing rhetoric and such. I wonder what happens when the inevitable Ukrainian right wing extremists target people in Europe, which will probably be left wing people or outright the LGBTQ+ communities. There is no way for the right to spin an attack of white people on one of the groups they themselves continually demonize.

      10 months ago

      There is no way for the right to spin an attack of white people on one of the groups they themselves continually demonize.

      "Homo sovieticus terrorist orcs attack freedom loving Europeans" and mind you: First, this will be after war when whatever remain of Ukraine will have to come to some kind of deal with Russia, so NATO will immediately declare them traitors to the "everything european". And second, it wouldn't be even first time when neocons, libs and all this united NATO scum will paint themselves rainbow and pose as the defenders of LGBTQ+ and leftists, and said western liberal LGBTQ+ and "leftists" will enthusiastically join that campaign, just as they are joining the current op.

      10 months ago

      I think it's just going to be indiscriminate, the more casualties the better. They also have the means to carry this out, since they have NATO weaponry. Euros might just live to regret ever giving them depleted uranium and cluster munitions. This will cement the irreversible fall of Western Europe as a world superpower.

        10 months ago

        It's not even going to be difficult to 'justify' for them after however many months/years hearing western libs say fuck you we don't care cluster munitions and depleted uranium are Safe™ and its okay to target civilians if they're on the other side and might have different opinions to you.

      10 months ago

      The right will endorse violence against reasonable and intelligent people. They'll just say that the UkraNazis are justified because the ebil Russkies deserve it.

      10 months ago

      u mean white people killing white people? nah, ukranians are white people while they are doing nato's dirty job, when the war ends the white people title are going to be revoked and ukranians once again be just slavs, soviet union heirs and etc, in short, the same treatment russia is getting now.

    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
      10 months ago

      "How will the EU ever figure out how to make conflict with slavs a racial issue?"