The American media loves saying that, but does it really have a right to exist? Does an apartheid colonizing regime have the right to exist in someone else’s land?

  • Farman [any]
    1 year ago

    Most of em were originall from there yidish is a germanic language after all. And it would be more justified since we can all agree germany did the holocaust. And the jews need their own state to protect themselves from future instances of that. So if the germans broke it they should fix it. Way should the palestinians pay for the duck?

      1 year ago

      This solution may have been sensible in 1945, for reasons you have described. But now? How many people in Israel even speak Yiddish?

      • Farman [any]
        1 year ago

        Makes more sense than settling them in the middle east.

        They are an european (germanic) people and they were persecuted by europeans(mainly germans) so it should fall to europeans to decide the compensation not to middle easterners.