Archive link if needed:

    10 months ago

    If only it were for any of the actual crimes he's committed and not made up or fringe bullshit.

    An overly hopeful and coping portion of my brain wants to believe all these dipshits keep one-upping each other on impeachments that eventually you end up with some senator like "you wanna impeach Obama for sucking a dick? WELL FUCK YOU! We're dragging Bush and Cheney's asses in! That'll fucking show you!"

    This is my mental fanfic and masturbation material. Do not take it from me.

    *Preemptively protecting my material by editing this to investigate instead of impeach since I don't think you can impeach someone out of office. Continue not taking this from me

        10 months ago

        Oh yeah, there's for sure a ton of bribery and corruption stuff related to Ukraine that they could get him on if they really tried. But personally i doubt this is more than the usual partisan political theatre. It's called the uniparty for a reason, they may put on a show for the plebs but at the end of the day they stick together. If they do push Biden out it's because both parties have agreed that it's necessary for damage control, or to get an even bigger warhawk in there.

        • 新星 [they/them/🏳️‍⚧️]
          10 months ago

          ton of bribery and corruption stuff related to Ukraine

          Would you mind expanding on this? That was my actual question; the actual “investigation” being political theater is obvious even to members of Congress of both “parties”

            10 months ago

            I mean for one thing his ties to Burisma through his son and god knows how many other shady dealings in Ukraine, though to be fair probably half of Congress has their fingers in the dirty pie of Ukraine and profiting one way or another. But the fact that we now know for a fact that he pressured the Ukrainian government to fire the prosecutor looking into the very corruption the Bidens were involved in takes it one step further.

            • 新星 [they/them/🏳️‍⚧️]
              10 months ago

              pressured the Ukrainian government to fire the prosecutor looking into the very corruption the Bidens were involved in

              Interesting, turns out they actually are asking questions about that…


              Meanwhile, other sources say this firing definitely was about ousting corruption in Ukraine (despite that this makes no sense in 2023 especially given the very obvious nature to everyone that Nazis are running rampant)

              • MaxOS [he/him, any]
                10 months ago

                Biden, his staff, and other U.S. officials and experts have repeatedly said that Biden acted in line with U.S. policies to root out corruption in Ukraine when he conditioned a $1 billion loan guarantee in part on Shokin’s ouster.

                Didn't they impeach Trump for doing pretty much the exact same thing?

          10 months ago

          He was selling influence via his son though right? And he's on camera bragging about bribing Ukraine to drop its investigation into Hunter, though I don't know if the US would consider that a crime.

            10 months ago

            The selling influence stuff is tenuous if not impossible to prove as it’s mostly political speculation and the republicans doing their best to try and find a boogeyman. Plus even if it would 100% true; then everyone in congress would be guilty of that, and there’s no way they would want to risk setting a precedent.

            Could you link the Ukraine video though by any chance? That sounds interesting.

              10 months ago

              even if it would 100% true; then everyone in congress would be guilty of that,


              Here that video:

                10 months ago

                You do realize that the prosecutor was fired only a year and a half after that meeting with Biden right?

                If Biden was fuming to get the guy fired then a year and a half seems like he took his sweet ass time.

                Plus that prosecutor wasn’t even the one investigating Hunter, it was the guy that replaced the fired one! So why would Biden be fine with the new guy opening an investigation but not the old guy who was corrupt as hell?

                  10 months ago

                  Did you just make all of this up? Did you not hear Biden bragging about getting him fired? Is Biden lying again?

                    10 months ago

                    He got fired half a year after Biden said he asked for the guy to be fired. Why did they wait so long? Did they forget? If I was dead set on removing a threat, I wouldn't wait a six months to get around to it.

                    Also Biden stated before that event where he "bragged" that he asked for the prosecutor to be sacked because he failed to investigate Burisma. Not because he was.

                    This is basic information you could find, its not that hard to google. Stop listening to talking heads on the news.

                    Plus the case had been shelved by the Ukrainian government in 2014. There was no active case going on, so what would be the point in axing the prosecutor?

                      10 months ago

                      So now we're down to half a year from a year and a half and still no sources. I don't know man, I'm going to trust Jim Crow Joe on this instead of you.

                      So, not that hard to Google that you weren't able to?

                        10 months ago

                        Lmao, I misread the original article which said that the firing happened “the next year, six months later in March”.

                        Nice latching onto that instead of engaging anything else!

                        Whomp whomp.

                        Jesus Christ, I fucking hate Joe Biden, but all I’m asking for is sources. I don’t want to hate blindly.

              10 months ago

              He was on camera bragging at a public event how he blackmailed the Ukrainian government to fire Burisma's prosecutor, while his son was a board member. The emails and witness testimonies are pretty conclusive.

              There's plenty of evidence. The problem is 1. Lack of political will to actually do anything substantial about it and 2. This is merely a political cudgel for the elections. The Republicans are using the impeachment in a cynical way to scare their potential voters back in line, and to keep discussion around Biden's corruption going. A trick they aptly learned from the Democrats.

              After the elections, whoever loses will be crying how the election was stolen from them, and the cycle will begin anew.

              Btw, this is exactly how Roman politics devolved during Julius Caesar's time and how they ended up with the dissolution of the republic by Octavian.

                10 months ago

                Again “He’s caught in camera”, and “There is plenty of evidence” “emails and witness testimonies”

                Can you please link your sources and the videos you are talking about???

                    10 months ago

                    A Twitter clip out of context? That’s your evidence?

                    You made several claims that that clip doesn’t t support either. Cite your sources is it that hard?

                      10 months ago

                      I'm not about to go on a 30-minute search online, only for you to come back and dispute it non-chalantly. If you are interested, find the full video, and the context behind it. This topic has been broadly covered.

                        10 months ago

                        So you have no sources? Stop talking out of your ass then. If it was so broadly covered, why would you need 30 minutes of research? Also why would I dispute it if the research was good?

                        Evidence is the burden of the accuser and the one making claims, its not my job to fact check you making shit up.

                          10 months ago

                          Please, don't pretend you are here to debate in good faith. From your tone it's pretty clear whatever I link to you, no matter where it comes from will be dismissed. I'm not going to waste my time thusly. Believe what you will. It is obvious that is what you wish and no matter what I say or show will convince you otherwise.

                            10 months ago

                            No, you got your bluff called and you have nothing to back up your claim with.

                            You keep stalling and saying that you’re not being engaged in good faith, or that everything will just be dismissed, when you have provided absolutely nothing as evidence.

                            If you want to simply lie, then going for the tone policing line is about as weak as you can go. I’ll use whatever tone I’d like for a person can can’t even give a single link to back up claims they pulled from their ass.

                            If you make claims it’s your duty to back them up and defend them. If you don’t want to, then don’t lie tk begin with.

                            Nice try.

                              10 months ago

                              Lol alright buddy. You are the one to talk about tone policing.

                              If you make claims it’s your duty to back them up and defend them. If you don’t want to, then don’t lie tk begin with.

                              I didn't lie. You merely don't want to believe me. Which is fine by me. I have no obligation to convince you otherwise. The world doesn't spin around you.

                              can’t even give a single link

                              I'm not here to hold an academic discussion, or waste my time arguing with debatebros. You were shown a link already, and it's pretty clear you aren't actually interested in it. Why would I send you more links?

                                10 months ago

                                I don’t want to believe you until you provide a source. Why should I take you at your word. What makes your word so infallible?

                                Is it that hard to understand.

                                You can’t make claims, and then when pushed simply say “Trust me bro”

                                  10 months ago

                                  I'm not saying "trust me bro". I'm saying go ahead and use google on your own time. I'm not interested in convincing you. I stated my opinion and explained it. If you want to do something with that go ahead. If not, then I simply don't care. I don't know how I can say this more plainly.

                                  I've seen how you engaged the other person who gave you the link to the video. I can tell how entrenched you are in your beliefs that you will nitpick your way out of anything. I've also noticed how you will not back up your own claims with "sources". Because you aren't actually interested in "sources". You are simply using that as a lazy excuse to avoid having a normal discussion with someone, like a normal person would.

                          10 months ago

                          You’re like the third person in 24 hours that is unable to back up any of their assertions with sources.

                          Are you saying I'm a liberal? Or are you saying the other person is a liberal? It's late, been a long day, and I'm kinda high right now.

                            10 months ago

                            lol it's friendly fire, we get tons of reports sometimes and I love jumping into the trenches head first. Go in peace 🙏

          10 months ago

          That’s not illegal if you give them back when asked, since your original possession of the documents is not illegal due to your position.

          That’s why they didn’t arrest Pence, Obama, Biden, or dozens of other politicians and generals.

          Trump on the other hand kept them and then lied to the FBI that he didn’t have them. What the hell did Trump think would happen?

      10 months ago

      If only it were for any of the actual crimes he’s committed and not made up or fringe bullshit.

      The issue is that the crimes he committed are legal in the US.

    10 months ago

    I like how this only serves to galvanise both of the supporter groups (both of which will blame leftists for whichever outcome) over basically nothing, and yet will have no actual impact no matter how it's resolved. I guess it's not an election year and there are barely any debates, so they need to get eyeballs on newscorp ads somehow.

    "Oh wow, they replaced Joe Biden with Joe Biden's hand-picked Vice President. It's basically a whole new country!"

    E: To be fair, the democrats might actually have a better chance at the next election if they drop Biden (dead) because of this. Which means they'll fight tooth and nail for the old geezer because if they win too much they might have to keep their promises.

    10 months ago

    I'm starting to believe impeachment is becoming the new UFO 'leaks', is there anything going on currently that warrants our attention more?

    • 新星 [they/them/🏳️‍⚧️]
      10 months ago

      Hunter Biden indictment today?

      US sanctioning Turkey (deal with it Erdogan)?

      I'm sure there's lots of stories there if you look, but it's probably just political theater for their constituents to feel like they attacked the "evil Biden Deep State regime"

    10 months ago

    I mean Biden sucks, but please don’t make Kamala Harris president, I can’t stand hearing her speak. At least Biden is fun to laugh at, Harris, on the other hand is just boring and cringe. Remember her Taiwan clip? Basically went like this : “China is a large country. Taiwan is a much smaller island and is located close to China. China is more powerful than Taiwan. They don’t treat them fair and that is basically a bad thing.” Not a direct quote but I’m embarrassingly close to the actual words she said