Is this a thing that exists?

  • fart [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I don't think anybody would care, it's not like you have to take an ace test to join, and asexual already describes a very large spectrum of experiences.

    • Pleasure_Hacktivist [doe/deer,hy/hym]
      4 years ago

      I've read the asexual reddit and some people were pretty aggro towards anyone talking about voluntary celibacy. Some people who are ace also still engage in the exact behaviors that are triggering/that I want to avoid because ace for them is an orientation.

      I've gone to an in person workshop (pre lockdowns) where the people seemed happy to hear I might be ace spectrum but were like, visibly disappointed when I openly admitted this could be a trauma treatment mechanism for me. (I don't want to say trauma response because like, I actually think this is a pretty healthy and logical conclusion based on several factors and if circumstances change I'll reexamine)

      • fart [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Oh, I'm sorry, I was thinking of more casual communities like a discord or something.