• XEAL@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    Large Language Models (such as GPT) and AI image generators.

    I follow certain AI related post tags on Tumblr and sometimes I see people expressing pure hatred towards these tools, as they only see the AIs as content thieves.

    • alcoholicorn [comrade/them, doe/deer]
      10 months ago

      they only see the AIs as content thieves.

      AI is a method of content theft, it takes other people's work and pieces it together in a way that resembles other works, without any actual coherency.

      I don't like that it churns out slop that displaces actual content.

      I also don't like the way it's sped up enshitification of google and news sites. I didn't think it could get worse than pages of listicles written by disinterested journalists paid fuckall to churn out 10 a day, but now you have chatGPT churning out 100 completely useless articles a day.

      • XEAL@lemm.ee
        10 months ago

        LLMs just automates and does faster certain things that a person could do on their own if they invested way more effort and time. If a human being takes people's work and pieces it together in a way that resembles other works without using any LLM/AI or automation tool, is the final result content theft too?

        I agree with the content enshitification, but I disagree about the coherency.

        Usually, implementations like the ChatGPT web/app will generate different outputs for the same prompt/input. You can also ask it to tweak a previous output, make it shorter, more concise, exclude parts, etc. And if you're making API calls through a script you can tweak parameters like the Temperature, Top P, Presence Penalty or Frequence Penaly, which affect things like the coherence, randomness or repetitiveness of the output.

        There's also fine tunning using embeddings, which can help training a model to fit one's specific needs and expectations, but I haven't got to try it yet.

        • alcoholicorn [comrade/them, doe/deer]
          10 months ago

          I disagree about the coherency.

          Coherency requires relating symbolic meanings. AI just uses statistical analysis.

          Consider if you were locked in the national library of Thailand. You don't speak Siamese, and any pictures or bilingual dictionaries were removed.

          Given a thousand years, you could look at the patterns and produce text similar to what someone who writes Siamese would write, but there's still no coherency because you cannot connect the meaning behind any of the words.

          That doesn't necessarily mean your outputs are useless though, someone who does read Siamese can have you generate outputs until you print out something they can infer a coherent thought from, but you're fundamentally unable to be trained to do that yourself.

          If a human being takes people's work and pieces it together in a way that resembles other works without using any LLM/AI or automation tool, is the final result content theft too?

          We're getting into ethics territory. IP is a social construct and we live under capitalism, our model for determining what is and isn't theft should be selected by what supports artists and consumers against capitalists.

    • DokPsy@infosec.pub
      10 months ago

      I don't mind the tool itself if you use it as such. I do mind when people use its output as the final product. See: the lawyer who used chatgpt for a legal brief

      • XEAL@lemm.ee
        10 months ago

        The lawyer fuck up is what happens when someone doesn't know or understand the limitations of a LLM.

        If you want a GPT model tailored and specialized for a specific task, you have to train it with custom data, fine tune it and tweak the model's parameters. You cannot do that from the ChatGPT web/app, you need a custom implementation coded in Python or some other language.

          • XEAL@lemm.ee
            10 months ago

            Thanks. I have a quite powerful rig, but at the moment I work with OpenAI's API using GPT 3.5 Turbo using a custom (but shitty) Python script with a simple Gradio web interface. However, I mostly stopped improving or updating it months ago. As long as I don't use LlamaIndex, the cost is quite low.

            I already use Stable Diffusion WebUI, tho.

            Also the "fine tuning" I was talking about is this https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/fine-tuning

            • TechieDamien@lemmy.ml
              10 months ago

              I am aware what fine tuning is. It is available from the train tab while the base checkpoint is loaded in both cases.

        • uralsolo
          8 months ago

          deleted by creator

        • DokPsy@infosec.pub
          10 months ago

          I'm glad you understand my point. Chatgpt is not Google. It's a language model that will give you something that looks like the thing you asked for it to provide. It can and will pull facts out of its recycle bin if it fits the cadence of what it expects the answer to look like.

          • XEAL@lemm.ee
            10 months ago

            ChatGPT is not Google, but sometimes it can work as a glorified search engine or even compete with asking in forums.

            I've lost count of how many times ChatGPT has produced Bash or Python code for what I needed. Yes, sometimes the code is wrong and/or requires tweaking and sometimes I resorted to look into the documentation, but no one will answer faster and anytime of the day like ChatGPT does, at least not for free.

            • DokPsy@infosec.pub
              10 months ago

              It's a tool to aid in creating a product, not a tool that magics out a finished product. That's my point. Too many people use it as the latter instead of the former.

              • XEAL@lemm.ee
                10 months ago

                100% agree.

                Maybe, with lots of training, weaking and testing the latter could be achieved, but that's it.

    • Rin@lemm.ee
      10 months ago

      As an artist I think it's a more complicated issue than a lot of people are making it out to be, and all the fearmongering some popular artists are promoting really doesn't help.

      • XEAL@lemm.ee
        10 months ago

        I think it's a more complicated issue than a lot of people are making it out to be


        Also. People are pissed that what they have taken years to master others can now get close to replicate with little effort and time.

        I've just realized that although they call the AIs "content thieves", what they really feel is that as AIs are able to replicate their skills quickly, it makes them feel their own merit diminished.

        If an artist creates artwork inspired on some other artist eveyone's cool; if an AI does the same, then it's stolen work even if the generated image is a unique new one.

    • uralsolo
      8 months ago

      deleted by creator