    10 months ago

    Every Russia/Ukraine related post attracts automatic downvotes nowadays from the handful of obsessive lib lurkers we have here. And even more so when the posts make their way onto main lemmy.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      10 months ago

      I have 5~6 libs follow me around and downvote my every post on, I find it absolutely hilarious. Can you imagine anything sadder than people spending their whole day following my account just to rage.

        10 months ago

        Haha, apparently i have a fan now as well, all of my comments i made going back about 5 days or so have just gotten one downvote on them since a few hours ago. It's funny to think they sit there and go through your post/comment history and obsessively downvote every one, like this achieves anything whatsoever.