Was it a one-time sudden realization, a nagging feeling you couldn't get rid of, or a back-and-forth process?
For me, it was 5 or so years of back-and-forth waffling between vegan and "reducitarian/VAH" before a very strong dose of magic mushrooms a few years ago gave me a stern kick in the ass about my own ethics and hypocrisy, which is how I finally stayed vegan. The same trip was the beginning of my political radicalization left as well.
Tbh mine was more like the first image. I was watching the summer solstice sunrise on a hill and a cow sat down next to me all peaceful just wanting to chill next to me like my cat does all the time. I looked at her and suddenly all the guilt I had buried about being a carnist came flooding to the surface. I cried and looked at the sweet cow who was probably going to die for no reason. I said sorry to the cow but it didn't make me feel any better. I knew If I was truly sorry I'd have to go vegan so I did. That was like 8 years ago now.
Oh my goodness, my heart can't handle this story 💚 💚 💚
:gui-better: the capitalists will have their day...