Might be an oddly specific post, but I've seen this recommended, and I'm just not sure I understand how it would be used effectively. Surely an air/water kineticist should be acting as a ranged spellcaster most of the time, in other words, not being within 10 feet of an enemy and especially not of multiple enemies. Furthermore, this impulse doesn't discriminate, so even if you were within 10 feet of all your enemies, you'd probably be within 10 feet of your allies too, subjecting them to a bunch of slippery bullshit as well.
Am I missing something about what makes this useful / not a detriment?
It's 20 feet. At 10. Only becomes 25 and 30 at levels 15-20.
As for the chart, honestly that just looks like you're a light armor caster asking to be flanked and annihilated. The enemy on the left can simply step over to you, and honestly who cares if it falls? Flanking will counteract the attack penalty from being prone. If there are even 1 or 2 more enemies not represented here, this caster in the enemy backline is surely in trouble.
I don't think you're a light armor caster:
On the diagram: the enemy on the left can't Step. It has to Balance, forcing two possible Attacks of Opportunity and a chance to fall prone where it is and end its turn. Will it do all that just to set up a flank on you for its allies (that only have a single action to Strike when they get to you from outside your aura)--when you're going to get a completely free non-provoking move next turn anyway?
If it does, I'll take that deal.
I missed Balance being a separate action entirely. Okay, never mind, I understand now. Balance being a completely separate action required to not-even-safely move around in the aura is the key I was missing.