But I hate both crypto AND fascists


more like hexbozos

    • BlinkerFluid@lemmy.one
      10 months ago

      You didn't come with anything better than mockery, so why don't you leave with it? There's having a decent conversation about something, then there's whatever asshat shit it is you're doing.

      • sovietknuckles [they/them]
        10 months ago

        Crypto-fascism is when someone is a fascist but pretends not to be. Crypto-fascism is not directly related cryptocurrency, though as you've mentioned, crypto bros are sometimes fascists (and sometimes crypto-fascists).

      • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
        10 months ago

        You could admit you don't know what a cryptofascist is. Just a suggestion. Its not a big deal that you don't. But the fact that you really confidently don't know and and want to argue about it is some real debate pervert shit