Could anyone help? Give some tips? I really want to read Capital, then move on to stuff like State/Revolution, Governance, etc.

I'm not really a fan of audiobooks (mostly because they're so monotone feeling... maybe I've not found the right ones?), but if I can't figure anything else out, I might go down that road.

My main issue is really just focus. I'll read a few paragraphs and enjoy it, then as I continue I slowly start drifting, no longer understanding the text, rereading over and over...

Anyways, I imagine some of you may have had this problem before, with how the internet and social media fucked our attention spans and all. Maybe if I could ever read Capital and all that, I could make comprehensive video versions for those like me...

Thanks in advance.

  • a_jug_of_marx_piss [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I often have the same problem, here's what works for me:

    1: Capital might be especially challenging, it's very thick and dense. You don't need to have read it to understand other theory, as long as you know the basic concepts. Maybe start with something lighter, and work your way up to Capital? Though, I understand why you might not want to do this.

    2: Read it one chapter per day, make it a part of your routine, never skip a day. Take short notes while reading.

    3: Buy a physical copy of the book. I find that reading it on a screen causes me to get distracted or to stop paying attention. You can get old theory for very cheap, my Capital was like five euros.