Greetings dear folks,

I have noticed an increasing number of users dissatisfied with Hexbearians. Reading through the modlogs on, I have observed truckloads of users being banned on, meaning that they won't see any Hexbearian's reply to them since Hexbearians aren't able to see their comments. Despite this, I have yet to see the complaints from die down. May I politely ask, what is it that makes so many users hate us? And, how can we improve? Thanks!

I humbly request that all parties involved in the comments refrain from using slurs or name-calling to reduce the workload on mods and admins.

  • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
    1 year ago

    This isn't reddit, so stop acting like a redditor. "I hAvE eViDenCe tHat peOplE calLeD oUt mY dIpsHitT bEhavIoR" doesn't fly here.

    Put your big girl pants on, and deal with the fact that people are "combative".

      1 year ago

      This isn’t reddit, so stop acting like a redditor.

      I get that that seems like a cut and dried definition in your mind, but it doesn't to the rest of us. Could you explain it better? What does a redditor act like, and how is that not appropriate?

      Put your big girl pants on, and deal with the fact that people are “combative”

      I'm replying to you aren't I? I haven't blocked you, which I could very easily do. I'm attempting to treat you as an adult, though you are very adamantly insisting on not acting like one. So, tell me - how is my behavior running counter to your idea of "dealing with combative people"?