I don't normally criticise other YouTube presenters, but since Sabine Hossenfelder is generally a good scientific education resource, I felt I had to point o...
Critique of the recent "Capitalism is Good" video by Sabine Hossenfelder.
It's incredibly annoying. His Marxist economic math works out, so does his computer chops, but god damn can't you see through the Gender Question?! One day I'll be cool enough to make a serious rebuttal.
He has some...non orthodox...takes on dialectics and modes of production. Other non terf thinkers have done better, though it took me years to find them
shame he's terf adjacent that was actually a good takedown imo
It's incredibly annoying. His Marxist economic math works out, so does his computer chops, but god damn can't you see through the Gender Question?! One day I'll be cool enough to make a serious rebuttal.
He has some...non orthodox...takes on dialectics and modes of production. Other non terf thinkers have done better, though it took me years to find them
Lol both of these chucklefucks are a rebuttal to the idea of "general intelligence"
A physicists whos dumb about economics and a economist whos dumb about gender