Who let that happen?
I thought it was made up by Nintendo like Hyrule, Planet Zebes and Richmond
Richmond does exist, you knob. Its right next to Poormond on the Witcher DLC
Having to live each day knowing someone may mistake you for British
The Years of Rice and Salt is an alt-history sci-fi novel where the Bubonic plague actually did do the job properly
I really liked it when I read it, although it was a long time ago. The author is fairly well known for writing hard sci-fi (although this one is definitely not that)
Everyone affected should do their part. For example, I'm of European descent and therefore had a vasectomy.
I have Euroblood and hard at work being depressed and not having my shit together and being bad with people so I never get laid
I've heard there are Europeans all over the world now. That's no good.
The central Asian Steppe peoples didnt have the grit to finish the job in the PIE heartland.
I blame the Persians. Couldn’t get the job done. Let a bunch of olive loving sailors beat ‘em
Are you responsible for this whole Europe incident? Explain yourself