I had an experience, actually. I was driving through San Bernardino with my friend, and I got chased down by some sort of UFO.

“I’m pretty sure about what I saw, but I’d also bought weed wax from a guy in a van in front of a taco shop, so it could have been the weed wax.

Miley adds that the UFO, which was ‘glowing yellow’ and looked like a flying snowplough, was also seen by other people in the same vicinity.

The Midnight Sky singer added: “I didn’t feel threatened at all, actually, but I did see a being sitting in the front of the flying object.

“It looked at me and we made eye contact, and I think that’s what really shook me, looking into the eyes of something that I couldn’t quite wrap my head around.”

  • PartyMonster [they/them,any]
    4 years ago

    If I got high with Miley, we'd have a lot of fun together. No aliens would need to be involved. :panting: