True story taylor-commie

  • LibsEatPoop [any]
    1 year ago

    You can tell me when it’s over, If the high was worth the pain.

    Goddamn, that’s a good question. I would say…yes. USSR happening, even if flawed and ultimately doomed, was still good than it not happening at all. Of course, ideally we would be able to fix it. It if that is out of the question, and the “high” of the USSR has to come with the “pain” of its dissolution, then yes I would take that over it not happening. It why we got this international interest in socialism and communism in the first place. It’s why we have China and Vietnam and Cuba today.

    Ideally, of course, 1917 Russia would lead to 1919 Germany and then the WORLD. Or the revolutions of 1848 would succeed and Marx and Engels would get to live the gay commie life they deserved.

    But, yeah.
