Quote 3: "Argh! There must be something I can do, but what?" (When taking >2,000 morale damage or taking damage when you have less than 3,000 morale points remaining)

Quote 4:"Ugh!"

Quote 5:"Argh!"


I love Yugioh NPC dialog lol:

Quote 1: "A Tribute Summon!"

Quote 2: "No! Fusion!"

Quote 3: "What?" (When you use a card (usually a trap card) to cancel or he destroys the card he activates or when he destroys your flip effect Monster as soon it was flip/fusion/special summon)

Quote 4: "C... can't be!" (When you destroyed Yugi's high level monster of 6 stars or more, or Curse of Dragon)

Quote 5: "You're going to activate a Spell Card?" (... in disbelief)

Quote 6: "Oh no!" (same as quote 3)

really funny