There was a post asking people their opinions about Edge and many people seemed to liked the idea of Edge and seemed to be ok having it on Linux (Blasphemy)

Also, can we all agree how fast Edge went from joke to a threat? I mean, it's good now alright! It was good back then, but it's better now. Money man!!! Money! Personally I hate MS, but I can't help but see the fact that there is no alternative to Bing GPT and many features Bing offers on Linux.

If there is an open source ChatGPT how would it look? Who would bear the costs? How would we solve the server problem? i.e., it would take a ton of server space and bandwidth. Just wondering.

I am pretty sure MS products will improve greatly due to their integration with GPT what do us poor folks on Linux do?

Just want to know the answers, I don't want to discuss (aka can't comment, I need to study), but just curious!

    10 months ago

    i don't know a single thing about whatever these things your talking about are, but i just want to say, you're the first person i've ever seen suggest that edge isn't a joke.

    10 months ago

    As others said you can host Koboldai on your own, and if you don't have a powerful GPU, anyone can use powerful llm models via the AI horde

    10 months ago It's basically bittorrent for AI. A public swarm for running and training LLMs.

    10 months ago

    At work today, I just heard the term, "Federated Machine Learning" - where individual corporations keep their proprietary learning data, but make the models shareable. I wonder if something similar could be done with activitypub?

    (Feel free to steal this idea if it's worth stealing)