i've talked to left and right wingers in person about this and most seem to agree with this concept or contributed to it. at the vaguest level it's perceived as two groups, the neoliberals/neocons and the populists. the populists have a left (berniecrat, demsoc) and right (trumpian, nazbol-lite) wing. the neos are all the old guard repubs (mitch) and centrist/corporatecrats. at their most basic understanding of this they believe the populists are trying to help the people while the neos only care about the markets. obviously this struggle is being heavily catalyzed by the 2k checks.

  • squidonstrike [he/him]
    4 years ago

    'a conservative family member who “Would vote Donald Trump, but he seemed too jewish”'

    Holy shit my dad didn't vote for Trump because he thought Trump was a 'new money Jew.' Are you telling me there is in fact someone as dumb as him out there?