(Title) Can we cool it with ACAB/LEO hate?

I know it’s fashionable and currently in style to hate on the police, and I get that. We have a serious problem with racism, sexism, homophobia, acephobia, etc. in the community. But we are working very hard on this, cracking down on that stuff. I don’t want to get too specific (there are a lot of weirdos who like to doxx… yikes) but in my department at the highest level we have been working against these things. Just a few months back for instance I was granted the opportunity to lead a trans training program for my department. So many fellow officers showed up to learn, they truly want to connect with the trans community in a positive way. We have made HUGE strides and our community now is so much more diverse and tolerant of all peoples.

I also just want to say that this job has given me the strength, security and stability to actually find myself. For years I was deeply depressed, went through therapy and came out the other end with nothing. Now I finally have good health care and the time to make my transition. When I announced it EVERYONE in my department was so supportive. The peace officer community is often stereotyped as brutish murdering thugs but that is just not my experience at all. People who say ACAB, wish for the death of peace officers, etc. you should broaden your mind. The world isn’t black and white. Just my two cents. Sorry if this is sloppy I’m a bit, drunk lmao. Peace
