Various nuggets of interest in this survey of Gen Z and millennials

    9 个月前

    Yes but also, by the same article, 55% of women considers a red flag if you "identify as a communist" and only 27% considers a turnoff "owning a gun"

    • Sinister [none/use name, comrade/them]B
      9 个月前

      Because the popular image of “communists” are “weird tankie guys” who like read weird dead people and somehow are soyboys but also simultaneously want to oppress women.

      • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
        9 个月前

        I think that's just an insular internet thing. I don't even know what the popular perception of communists are. Probably just loud and annoying? Or someone who likes Russia a lot. There isn't really a coherent view of communism among people who aren't already into it.

        • Sinister [none/use name, comrade/them]B
          9 个月前

          Really? I heard the “communist are the true sexist akushally!” take a few times already, its being spread by the breadtube streamer crowd, who popularized 'tankie' as well.

          • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
            9 个月前

            Might depend on your social group and location. I live in the south where communist just means "extra left Democrat who also likes Russia."

      9 个月前

      Note identify as a communist not are identified as a communist by a right winger who doesn't know what the word means and identifies anyone left of Adolf as a communist.

      Edit: corrected

      9 个月前

      Women and spouses in particular are statistically the most likely to get shot once a gun is in their home, by far. I understand the need for protection and why there is support for guns but stats are stats, women are the victims of male perpetuated gun violence far more often than people in power.