Also picture server looks borked again, cannot upload one.

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    1 year ago

    I find there's a handful of really active accounts that tend to try and brigade threads, but it feels like it's maybe a few dozen people in practice. I think we should just be more active on and respond in kind. The whole tactic is basically to drive out any dissenting views and then create another lib echo chamber.

    I'd really like to keep as at least a neutral space where we can engage with people from the mainstream and educate. If we let libs overrun it, then it's just going to be another reddit.

      1 year ago

      Yup, some nicknames are repeating very often there, remember how that one german fucker kept back and back under different accounts and every time make you waste ton of time with his debatebro shit? Now there is 20 of them. Plus a lot of supporting NPC.

      The only way possible to keep lemmy as neutral space is lemmy moderation coming out and ban at least the open western supremacist and bastards calling for WW3 and mass murder of Russians like those in the linked thread. Yet nothing like this is happening, looking at modlog and i still see shit like this there:


        1 year ago

        How is this still allowed? If anyone made this take about people living in Ukraine he would be banned in minutes. I have relatives living in Ukraine, labeling them as war mongers is just eh I guess? Like not awful but man don’t spew no more diarrhea. It’s not even offensive, more just kind of cringe.