Also picture server looks borked again, cannot upload one.

    1 year ago

    Considering the toxicity of the occasional lost lib here, it's probably like a goddam buffet for fascists over there. So many libs to "inform" about evil tankies and minorities.

    It's no surprise really, as it was the big "leaving reddit" website, it would make sense that nazis would flock there too, as these communities get established, their tone and what is and isn't acceptable is set. So if nazis get in on the ground floor, they can make their "just asking questions" and other bullshit just normal behaviour there. They couldn't have asked for a better opportunity.

      1 year ago

      I mean they are already on the level of calling orphaning and maining a random teenage girl "good" just because she's a Russian, and moderators there don't remove those comments, but removed completely reasonable comments by Lenins2ndCat and Carcosa. Lenins2Cat even bothsided the war (shame) in some comments and got massively downvoted.

        1 year ago

        Lenin's 2nd Cat has the patience of a saint. No idea how they can be so tolerant of these people, but I'm glad they are, a conversation with them really helped me back when I was just starting to see the cracks in "democratic socialism"

          1 year ago

          Yup, i remember them from Reddit, sad about the bothsiding, though it could be a rhetoric figure to not shut them out in the first sentence. But as we can seen it don't work anyway, any deviation from the reddit hivemind (it's not even western propaganda anymore, it goes much further than that) is immediately shut out.

            1 year ago

            I think there is plenty to criticize about Russia's conduct in the war, though yeah, it isn't the sort of discussion that can be had with libs (after all, their idea about Russian conduct is just "Putin is a Voldemort")

            But yeah, ultimately it doesn't seem to matter how patient or tolerant someone is of libs, they will find some excuse to dismiss anyone who disagrees with the status quo, usually with their idea of "civility" being threatened (because someone else knowing something they don't makes them feel bad, which is uncivil).

    1 year ago

    Claiming land is yours because there are people from your country there is textbook fascist strategy.

    To offer an example, this was Hitler’s basis for invading and annexing the Sudetenland, part of what was then Czechoslovakia.

    Not exactly. The official pretext for annexing Sudetenland was a simple rescue mission: saving Sudeten Germans from purported ‘Czech atrocities’. Practically, though, it was clear that annexing Sudetenland would bolster the Fascist bourgeoisie’s German empire. For example:

    The overcoming of the Czechoslovak barrier would make more probable easy access for Germany to one great source of petrol, the Rumanian oilfields; and the fall or circumventing of the second barrier — Turkey — would open the door to a second great source, in Irak and Persia, which would be the last stage on the road to India.

    In addition to these strategical considerations, the occupation of Czechoslovakia, following that of Austria, and the further consequent possibilities, would also add the great heavy industries of Czechoslovakia and Polish Silesia, the great food resources of Hungary and Rumania, and an enormous new source of manpower to the economic potential referred to earlier.


    1 year ago

    I feel like the vast majority of World News users are direct migrants from /r/worldnews. They exude the exact same attitude.

      1 year ago

      Really strange how it became #1 lemmy instance in a matter of days, it basically became the lemmy instance for people that said "muuuh admin are genocide deniers uhygurs 100 millions hodomor Stalin CCP famine" 🙄

        1 year ago

        I saw a guy literally posting pretty much all of those unironically today. I almost started to respond and then thought better of it. I don't mind engaging with some liberals in good faith if I think they are just misguided, but that was absolutely a lost cause.

  • Nocheztli ☭
    1 year ago

    I think, the big difference between Lemmy and Reddit is that we have the platform on our side this time. We are not in a defensive position in regards to the site like with Reddit being an uphill battle against both the platform and the users. We can be more assertive with these people now. I hope that even if one instance goes to shit, most people don't understand federation anyways, so newcomers will just make a account. Tho I might be wrong.

      1 year ago

      we have the platform on our side this time

      We don't, we only have lemmygrad. If we did lemmy on our side those people would have been banned promptly.

        1 year ago has been such an interesting beast. On one hand, I can say I am a communist and generally do not get trolled into oblivion like I would have back on reddit, but I also see all the usual anti-communism talking points from people with accounts. Who apparently don't know what the ML means.

        I see a lot of "I am fine with communism, just not ". just confusing because they obviously are not okay with communism.

    1 year ago

    When libs talk like this, there's a positive side to it.

    Some of them will wake the fuck up when Ukraine loses and all the 'reliable sources' they're constantly citing turn out to be proven bullshit farms.

    Others will dig in harder.

    It gives good opportunity to seperate the ignorant and educatable from the fundamentally fascist types that aren't worth spending breath on.

    1 year ago

    I wonder if the dotworld is gonna even become a self-sustaining thing. What do they even get from using Lemmy rather than Reddit? It's just redundant to have 2 Reddits if they're being run the exact same way with the exact same people and culture. We don't even have the things the exodus was triggered for yet (great 3rd party apps). I think most lurkers will just go back to Reddit in a month or 2.

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    1 year ago

    I find there's a handful of really active accounts that tend to try and brigade threads, but it feels like it's maybe a few dozen people in practice. I think we should just be more active on and respond in kind. The whole tactic is basically to drive out any dissenting views and then create another lib echo chamber.

    I'd really like to keep as at least a neutral space where we can engage with people from the mainstream and educate. If we let libs overrun it, then it's just going to be another reddit.

      1 year ago

      Yup, some nicknames are repeating very often there, remember how that one german fucker kept back and back under different accounts and every time make you waste ton of time with his debatebro shit? Now there is 20 of them. Plus a lot of supporting NPC.

      The only way possible to keep lemmy as neutral space is lemmy moderation coming out and ban at least the open western supremacist and bastards calling for WW3 and mass murder of Russians like those in the linked thread. Yet nothing like this is happening, looking at modlog and i still see shit like this there:


        1 year ago

        How is this still allowed? If anyone made this take about people living in Ukraine he would be banned in minutes. I have relatives living in Ukraine, labeling them as war mongers is just eh I guess? Like not awful but man don’t spew no more diarrhea. It’s not even offensive, more just kind of cringe.

  • loathesome
    1 year ago

    Also picture server looks borked again, cannot upload one.

    Oh nooo.

    Looks like pictrs is having problems talking to the s3 endpoint. I am trying to debug this but haven't made any progress.

    1 year ago

    Wow skimming the comments in that thread is incredible. So many people with their heads buried in the sand. Wild