I'm in the market for something different but, to no surprise of anyone, am getting overwhelmed by how blatantly consumerist fidget toys have become.
About a year ago, I picked up a cheap magnetic clicky slider fidget and though I wasn't a big fan of the actual toy, I did fall I love with concept. I ended up getting a few more from Etsy that are 3D printed and one is micarta, but those are amazing. Big tactile clicks, loud as fuck, and just a good thing to carry for anxiety and social stuff. My main one can be quiet if need be so that helps.
I'm in the process of purchase therapy because depression, and instead of buying another game I won't ever play, I thought I'd treat myself to something that helps with keeping my hands busy.
So I am mostly looking for opinions and feedback on stuff that is out there. I have a spinner, several fidget cubes, putty, and some of the other normal ones. Right now I am looking at possibly a haptic coin, one of those 3D printed gyro things, the Lautie knockoff ratchet ring(though it's even outside my price range even for it being a clone) and I keep coming back to FidgetsByAmelie on Etsy but it's partially due to the cute colors they use and using bio plastics.
So yeah, I guess that's it. TIA!
Things I think I like:
- rubber clicky buttons on fidget cube.
- clicky scroll ball
- clicky spinning wheel
- switch
- magnetic click/loud feedback
- knife flipping to some degree
- hair/beard rubbing(but that is built in)
- metal "shink" noise from that OWL knockoff slider
- probably any of the infinity style fidgets? Like cube or gear stuff
I've def considered it but mostly for switches I don't currently use in my boards? like maybe get one with a heavy chonker like Box Jades? The one you have came with hot-swap sockets I take it? Also could give me an excuse to dust off my MX style stock that isn't getting any use. Gonna look more into them. Thanks!
Lol, of course you're into mech keyboards! We're a predictable bunch. The one I got just holds on to them loosely with a star shaped support in the middle that holds on to the central post of each switch. I used some spares and testers I had lying around. I have a box navy on one side that's got a real satisfying click, another one is one of my Zilents that I have on my ergo split daily driver - LOVE those switches. What are you rocking with?
So both my orthos are Everglide Oreos. I settled on them after Gat Browns for a long time. I wanted to try Pandas but don't like heavy springs. These come with 45g springs and that big ass top bump. The came prelubed and just sound great. I have them in an XD75 and a Planck that now barely get used. I got into ergo splits when I was at my last job and started soldering my own. Around the same time second or third run of Cornish Zens were going and Darryl announced that he was working with Kailh to design the Sunsets. I've been wanting to get into chocs for a while but didn't wanna give up my tactiles. This sort of answered that. Sunsets are great, if not a little wobbly. But I won't go back from ergo column stagger split. It's just so damn nice to type on. I have theme in 2 Cantor Remixes and my Sweep that I daily. I have a set of Robins in my Sweep36 though. And at some point I am planning on building an A.Dux with lightweight linear. I forget if I went with normal red or the speed variant. But before that happens, someone(probably end up being me) needs to port the A.Dux firmware to Vial.