I’m opposed to gun control. But I’m wondering how to get past this hurdle with libs. Are there other countries with the amount of guns as the USA that don’t have these mass shooting problems? Is it a unique American sickness?

  • Janked [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I used to be a huge gun control lib and what helped break me out of it (along with being radicalized in general) was George Floyd/BLM.

    If liberals can concede there is a huge problem with police disproportionately killing POC, a logical follow-up question is, "if you can't call the cops to help you because there's a high chance of them killing you instead, how are you supposed to keep yourself, your family, and your community safe?"

    Maybe there would be some push back that they "don't need a gun" for that, but I still think it can be a good starting point.