My cat has been shitting infront of the litterbox for a while now but the strange thing is, its always on the same place, and she still does shit in the letterbox, but also outside.

Many days i wake up and stand in shit and its been so annoying

    9 months ago

    Make sure your litter box is clean, and that your cat thinks it's clean. Cats want to be able to bury their waste, and if there's too much in the box for the cat's liking, they'll go somewhere else, and it's often right outside the box if there isn't something else they could use. It's important to understand that it's the cat's opinion that matters here, not yours: you may need to scoop it every day, even if there's only a little in it.

    You may also need to move the litter box and clean the previous area, including and most importantly the place outside the litter box that gets used. Use vinegar if you can: it has a strong smell that cats don't like, but it won't hurt them like bleach can. Lemon juice works well for this, also. What this will do is make sure that this area doesn't smell like a place they have used as a litter box before.

    • Iraglassceiling [she/her]
      9 months ago

      This is generally good advice but I’d use (If it’s available in your region) to spray on the spots instead of vinegar. Cats don’t typically eliminate where they’ve scent marked, and the spray is full of marking pheromones from their feet.

  • davi [he/him]
    9 months ago

    in addition to what others have said: this is also a classic symptom of territorial insecurity so maybe there's a stray cat spraying the outsides of the walls of your home.

      8 months ago

      That is also indeed the case, i didn't think those were related but a cat is being really really annoying, trying to fight with her

    9 months ago

    Our 16 year old cat with worn out hip joints started doing the same a while ago. A much bigger litterbox solved the problem.

    9 months ago

    Is your cat declawed? Sometimes cats that are declawed might not want to use the litter box. It's one of the problems with declawing.

    Declawing cats is a horrible practice and should never be done.

      9 months ago

      Of course not, there was never even a need to do that because shes really really really well behaved, she only claws when youre a stranger (outside, but shes not and outside cat anymore) So no, but i agree, declawing cats sounds horrible