If you live in LA you'll need to go over at least one highway.

Edit: ITT many Americans telling me of how walkable and great their towns are. I'm happy for you but comrades, I've been to the US once and that was on a trip I won in high school so don't expect me to know the zoning plan of Providence, Wisconsin Pop. 235'489. I don't really care how lovely your city with two buslines is. For every Seattle or Chicago there are 34 Cincinnatis, Houstons and Las Vagases and approx. 234 exurbs and suburbs.

  • snackage [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Oh it's a TruAnon bit? lol. It's not surprising that Brace picked up Mehmet from his time in Syria.

    t’s just the Turkish equivalent of Muhammad, right?

    Correct but I think it's also Serbo-Croatian. Like you'll find Albanians, Bosnians and Macedonians called Mehmet. Is probably also the form in Kurdish which is why Brace picked it up. It's just to an Arabic speaker it sticks out like a sore thumb. Doesn't preclude him from living in Cairo anyway, there has been a big influx of Syrian refugees to Egypt, but he'll probably go by Muhammad there.

    Cairo is on the Nile like almost all settlement in Egypt. The only big City that's on a coast is Alexandria.