If you live in LA you'll need to go over at least one highway.

Edit: ITT many Americans telling me of how walkable and great their towns are. I'm happy for you but comrades, I've been to the US once and that was on a trip I won in high school so don't expect me to know the zoning plan of Providence, Wisconsin Pop. 235'489. I don't really care how lovely your city with two buslines is. For every Seattle or Chicago there are 34 Cincinnatis, Houstons and Las Vagases and approx. 234 exurbs and suburbs.

  • asaharyev [he/him]
    4 years ago

    We really have. It's easier to see in larger SGs like the Timbers Army and Emerald City Supporters, but even smaller groups like Midnight Riders in New England and Empire Supporters Club for the Red Bulls have taken a lot of good shit. ESC in particular drove out fascists by force early in their history.

    Even on /r/MLS the apologists and anti-antifa people were piled on and driven away. Though the players don't always follow suit.