If you live in LA you'll need to go over at least one highway.

Edit: ITT many Americans telling me of how walkable and great their towns are. I'm happy for you but comrades, I've been to the US once and that was on a trip I won in high school so don't expect me to know the zoning plan of Providence, Wisconsin Pop. 235'489. I don't really care how lovely your city with two buslines is. For every Seattle or Chicago there are 34 Cincinnatis, Houstons and Las Vagases and approx. 234 exurbs and suburbs.

    • snackage [he/him]
      4 years ago

      how many times was your dealer not there because he was in traffic or delivering to someone else?

      No need to identify your home or your dealer's home to third parties if you do the transaction on a busy but punctual subway.

      • deadbergeron [he/him,they/them]
        4 years ago

        haha i was just joking man i agree with you

        and tbh traffic's never going to get too bad where i live, and i was usually pretty tight with my dealers so I never really had any problems lol. but yes i would prefer an actual public transit infrastructure to atomized car culture

        • snackage [he/him]
          4 years ago

          haha i was just joking man i agree with you

          No worries. We're just shooting the shit here. Never got into drugs but I imagine of the people to be tight with, your dealer is probably one of the best.

          • deadbergeron [he/him,they/them]
            4 years ago

            haha for sure, sorry. but yeah i don't do drugs anymore, i had a lot of fun back then but after a while you see how drugs can really destroy you when they get of hand. a lot of people i miss for sure