lmao I hope he gets desperate the next time bitcoin spikes & pays some cryptology firm to 'crack' it and they wipe it by accident.

  • Randomdog [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Personally I just don't like how the cult following around it are like "IT'S A WAY OF FREEING OURSELVES FROM THE MODERN ECONOMIC SYSTEM AND TAKING BACK POWER FROM THE BANKERS AND BIG CORPS" because like.... I mean.... Communism...

    Idk, just some "almost getting it but slightly missing the point" shit. I don't like it.

    • volkvulture [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      in my opinion I think that BitCoin is ultimately an NSA/CIA psyop that is boosting Western "speculation" & obsession with the market while simultaneously undermining & digitizing & recording international crime syndicates' movements & transactions. All this while coalescing a honeypot of weirdos whose fortunes are riding speculative spurts & fits in the "Line"

      BitCoin is also anti-communist because of its tacit underlying technology being a way to thwart regimes of state-backed currencies

      This is why China has banned BitCoin banking or facilitation by banks, without outlawing the currency itself.